CCIFP Self Guided Study Group Forum

The Certification Division has developed a Self Guided Study Group Forum on the Connection Cafe. You must be an active CFMA member to join.

On the study forum, you can connect with others who are on the same CCIFP journey. You can connect with others to form virtual study groups or just ask your questions and have your peers help you along.

To join, log into the Connection Cafe and join the Self Guided CCIFP Study forum!


Study Group Reference Materials from August 2021 Study Groups

Study Group Reference Materials from past Study Groups:


Overall loss example - August 2020

Comparison of income recognition methods

Accounting for long term contracts 

Exercise 3 CCM example 

Exercise 2 POC loss job 

CFMA exercise 1 worksheet and answer key


Income Recognition

Legal 2

Legal Outline 

Eichleay Formula

Legal CCIFP Exam Study Guide

Accounting for long term contracts

CFMA exercise 1

Comparison of income recognition methods

POC loss job 

CCM example
